ReadON APP updates
💫APP Updates: v1.3.0
ReadON is a Read-Fi mobile application that aims to build the largest decentralized content distribution engine, help users to discover high-quality content efficiently, and overcome the information cocoon problem brought about by traditional social media.
Registration and Login:
🔸New User Guide Page
- Added APP main language option
Article tab:
🔸Article details page
- Added a comment section(Not only shows in-app comments but also introduces comments from external social media. For example, Twitter comments were introduced this time.)
2. Optimized the reading experience of the article detail page, including the display of on-chain information / Popularity updates /adjusting the spacing of words.
3. Added article sharing function, currently only copy link sharing is supported
4. Added Korean translation
Personal center:
1.Added APP main language option
2.Added Korean language content option
🔸APP main language
- Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages have been added.
🔜 What’s going on?
1.Vote and win for your favorite NFT.
2.ReadON Witness Badge Campaign.
3.ReadON’s Ambassador Program is arriving. Social media influencers are welcome to contact us in whatever language you speak.
4.ReadON App Beta test will start soon.
5.More functions will be available on ReadON App.
6.ReadON will work in partnership with other influential communities or projects to host AMAs. Please keep an eye on our social media for more details.
7.Soulcard campaign is still going on.
Follow our social media to stay up-to-date with all our latest events & developments.
😀 Thank you very much for your interest in ReadON, please follow us:
ReadON Twitter:@ReadOnMe3
ReadON discord:
ReadON web:
ReadON soulcard campaign: