How to find your Exchange UlD and Deposit Address on Bitget
🟢Sign up for Bitget easily using this link:
- Visit Bitget:
- Follow this guide to create a Bitget account or login if you already own one:
- Please note that completing Bitget’s Level 1 KYC is required to receive direct airdrops from the exchange. Here’s a guide to complete KYC verification:
- After successful verification, locate and copy your UID by visiting your Bitget profile.
- From the same menu, click ‘Deposit’, locate and copy your EVM deposit address.
In ‘Deposit’, select $REX and choose BSC (BEP20). Copy your deposit address and paste it into the designated field at the REVOX Airdrop Website.
Bitget policies may exclude individuals from specific regions due to local regulations. Please refer to this article for further information: [Rejected Reasons of Individual Verification / KYC]
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